Jolita Kudirkienė

Internal medicine physician, sonographer

I am an internal medicine physician and sonographer with more than 30 years of experience, I am also a lecturer at the Geriatric Clinic of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.

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Jolita Kudirkienė

About me

More than 30 years of work practice have shown me that every patient is truly unique and deserves personal attention, understanding and the best medical care. That is why I start my treatment with a conversation, so I can thoroughly explain everything and be there for the entire healing journey.


I believe that the pursuit for knowledge, attention to detail, and a combination of instrumental (ultrasound) and therapeutic examination ensure the best possible results. Not only does this allow for an accurate diagnosis but it also permits the design of a suitable treatment plan based on the data received, which will help you become friends with your disease over time.


I speak Lithuanian, Russian and English.

Internal medicine physician
Issued: 2004-11-22, Nr. MPL-03594

EFSUMB (European Federation of Soceties for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology)


A member of the Lithuanian Ultrasound Association

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